Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Social Media Hot Mess Schematic

A schematic represents the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension, (2013.  Wikipedia).

Which Are You ? The Minimalist, The Hot Mess,  The #Hashtag Queen ?

Today I am developing 3 schematic maps relating to my test drive of my own 9 (yes 9!) online businesses and the social media platforms I interact on. The 3 PDF download schematic maps are category 1 - 2 - and 3! (4 and 5 would just be too mind-blowing)

See the sidebar for page devoted to this: SOCIAL MEDIA 101

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pi: new site development

I Design [focus] Pi
Watching the 'Life of Pi' was disturbing. So much so that I spent many days reflecting on why I felt so upset by the bizarre relationship between Pi and the tiger. An independent foreign movie with quite an agenda, so very obviously not the emotionally predictable entertainment of the American movie scene. This movie distressed me and what I gained was the definition of Pi.

Reaching for the Stars

Transitioning from product-focused to service-focused + enhanced production tools for the complete client or the do-it-yourself-ers. I am really enjoying this creative journey.  The advancement of CMS design with free web hosting, offered with automatic mobile platform views is astounding for someone as me who teethed on HTML and learned to code every graphic element.
I am currently branching out to offer a full design agency service with self-help business tools on Etsy at iDesignfocusPi